Wow, I havent posted here in a while, I've been pretty busy with Rex Mundi and now with coloring a five issue miniseries for Dark Horse, called, Conan and the midnight God, yeah, Conan! written by Joshua Dysart, and drawn by Will Conrad, I started coloring issue 3 already, issue 1 is out now and issue 2 probably next week or the following, not sure.
I also took a trip to the states so that made me get behind on everything.
Ok, enough chatting here is a cover I did for the next Rex Mundi trade, vol 4, with all the interior art made by me, yay!
It's about time you updated this Juan. ;-)
Finally got all caught up on Rex Mundi, excellent stuff from you and Arvid. I'm hooked.
Congrates on the Conan gig. Conrad does some really nice work man, can't wait to see what you do with it. How's about giving us bums that tradewait the Conan stuff (Sorry) a peak?
Did you have a good time in the States?
Hey Ron! nice to have you here.
the trip was blast, I was bale to see or the first time comics I made on comcis shops! amazing feeling!
Glad that you're hooked on Rex, me too!
and I will be posting this week some conan colors. ;)
Glad to hear you had a good time.
Looking forward to seeing some of those Conan pages.
Alucinantes los ultimos dibujos. me gustaron mucho. saludos Juan estes donde estes.
Hola! justo por esta portada empecé a indagar de Rex Mundi... pues me he animado a conseguirlo! :).
Excelente trabajo!
woooo!!! portadas, viñetas, muy buenas ilustraciones!
(y esta portada en especial es increible!)
Que Bueno que te guste y que lo hayas conseguido!
la semana que viene sale el numero final de Rex Mundi. La Historia llega a su fin en un numero especial de 28 paginas.
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